Monday, July 13, 2009

The Other Member of Our Family

Since Tyler and I got married, we talked about getting a puppy. Growing up, we had fish, hamsters, and one dog, but none of which I had to take care of much. My mom and dad always did. I never knew how much work a pet could be! If I knew, I wouldn't have encouraged the idea of getting a puppy with Tyler as much as I did. Anyways... We couldn't agree on the type of dog we would want to get, if we ever did. Tyler wanted a big, outside dog. I wanted a little puppy that could be inside with me, but loved to be outside too. On Thanksgiving, we were at his moms house watching the annual dog show. The winning dog was the most adorable thing I have ever seen! He was a beagle and so precious! We both talked for a few days about how cute he was, and jokingly one day I told Tyler to buy me a beagle puppy for Christmas. Apparently, Tyler thought I was serious, and he started looking for beagles for sale. I had no idea, until he started dropping hints. I might need to clarify, Tyler's hints are like anvils! I guessed it and started panicking. I went back and forth between being excited and completely dreading having a dog. I even tried dropping hints to get him to change his mind. Later he told me that my hints made him struggle with what to do and went back and forth with the idea himself. He decided it was what he wanted and on December 7, 2008 Tyler drove to Nampa to pick out a beagle puppy. He "surprised" me with Charlie Pace Shafer that night. We named him after our favorite character on LOST! My reaction made him sad, because I didn't jump for joy. For the next week, I cried all day everyday because I couldn't stand cleaning up potty messes in my house, and the whining all night long! I wanted to get rid of him! That is until we left him for a week with Tylers parents while we went to Pocatello for Christmas. I missed him so much and was so excited to see him when we picked him up. Now, he is part of our family and we baby him way too much! Charlie is our best friend, so adorable, and the mosy hyper-active dog I have ever seen.


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