Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Lovin'

Isn't it weird how you can want summer to never end, but at the same time be excited for summer to be over? That is how I am feeling right now. I usually love heat, but this summer has challenged that! Tyler and I had to leave our big, clean, air conditioned home in Harper and move to Pocatello so Tyler could work for Upward Bound again. It was actually a double bonus for this summer job. It gives us another paycheck on top of his salary for two months of the year, and I got to spend the summer with my sister, Heather and the rest of my family. I am pretty sure I have mentioned some of this in a previous post, but just recapping the summer. Heather's husband, Jason is starting dental school in Arizona in the fall, so they are moving to Surprise, AZ in August. They won't be able to make it back to Pocatello often, so I wanted to be able to spend the summer with them before they leave. I have had a lot of fun spending time with her and the rest of my family. Easton is growing up so fast and it makes me sad that he will be completely different every time I see him once they move. Easton is my first nephew, and the only one on my side of the family. Therefore, he is my favorite!! He just started talking and it makes me so happy to hear him say my name! But he seems to like Tyler more than me and that makes me sad (or jealous, whichever word you want to use). The downside to this summer is that we are renting a home, and I hate it. It is an A frame house and the ceilings and walls are wood beams. It is so dark and makes me feel like I am in a cave! I like bright rooms and lots of sunshine, which I definitely get in my Harper home. In this house, the walls are all different shades of purple, with black cabinets. Both rooms and both bathrooms are downstairs, but it is spider-ville down there, and extra cave-like so I set up the bed and everything upstairs in the living room. Worst part, there is no air conditioning! I don't think I have had a good night of sleep since we got here. When it rained for the first couple days here, we had about 15 leaks in the roof, so the whole house felt muggy. I am glad we only have a couple weeks left.

Then again, I am sad that we only have a couple weeks left here. I have really enjoyed Sunday dinners with my family, playing with Easton, and spending time over at my parents house. It has also been nice to have stores within minutes of our house! On the flip side of that, we have eaten out way too much! As summer seems to be flying by, I am getting more and more nervous to start teaching as a full time teacher! I am already having nightmares about it and wonder if I can do it. The thing is, I know I can do it, I am just so nervous to be completely in charge of a classroom, with students learning in my hands. I don't want to let anyone down! However, I am also very excited about my first year as a full time teacher. I am constantly filled with mixed emotions, and that is part of what keeps me up all night (or maybe that is still just the smoldering heat).

And for the big news... On August 9, Tyler and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary, and on August 15, we will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Boutiful, Utah LDS temple. I am so excited to become a forever family with my sweetheart! Then we can start expanding our family! Sadly, the next day I have to say goodbye to Heather, Jason, and Easton and that will make me a blubbering mess! What is it about getting older that makes you want your family more and more? Or is that just me? Until then, I will continue taking advantage of family time while we are in Pocatello.

Speaking of Pocatello... While we were living in Harper, with me getting ready to graduate form ISU, Tyler and I started discussing where we want to live and where we might want to end up some day. We starting thinking that Pocatello might be a place we could live. We know we want to be around family, and there just isn't anything in the Vale area for us after this upcoming school year. Unforunately, being in Pocatello this summer has made us realize we don't want to live in Pocatello. It will always be a comfortable, familiar place, but it is not home anymore. Harper is not really home either. This summer has really made me excited to find our home and for the next stages in life!


Stewart Family

Im so happy your getting sealed it's the best blessing you could ever have. I hope the rest of your summer goes well!

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